District 8 of Ontario Sheep meeting was held at the school just north of the hospital in Napanee last Tuesday. It was the AGM and the executive has stayed the same as last year. The guest speaker was Murray Hunt who is the new chairman of OSMA.
There was some discussion as to whether Ontario lamb should be classified as "Special" or whether it should take it's place next to cheap chicken by increasing production. It is obviously better to keep it as a luxury food.
There was further discussion on the added potential costs of the new RIF tags. The abattoirs as going to have to increase their charges to cover their costs in addition to our costs of the actual tags and the scanner/readers.
The next Distrist 8 meeting will be at the same location at the Charles school on Monday October 19th at 7p.m. Contact me if you need directions
Just for fun here are pictures of our new baby llamas -both females.