CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2009-2010 -Plan to join us !!!
Most meetings will be held at Westdale Park Public School on Richmond Park Dr in Napanee. Most meetings will start with a social time at 7 pm with business beginning at 7:30. We try to be finished by 9:30 pm.
*January - No Meeting
*February 22 - Fencing and Shelter Options with Richard Barrett from Barrett’s Farm Centre, Stirling
*March 22 -Potpourri of Ideas - Join us with your success tips or dismal failures!! We often learn best from our peers.
*April 17 -Working with Sheep Clinic with Fearnley Davies and Heide Elliott - see below
June 12- 10 am. Pasture Walk with Jack Kyle (OMAFRA Pasture Specialist) at the farm of Mark Ritchie and Cherry Allen at 570 Front Rd.,on Amherst Island (to the left after disembarking from the ferry). Ferry leaves mainland on the ½ hour. Please bring bag lunch - juice will be provided.
You are invited to learn or refresh your knowledge with 2 veteran sheep producers- Fearnley Davies and Heide Elliott. This workshop takes place on Saturday April 17 beginning at 10 am. This will be a hands on workshop showing tagging, tubing as well as offering many tips and tricks to decreasing lamb mortality. The workshop will take place at 2194 Rapids Rd just outside Tweed. For info or directions call Fearnley 613-478-3547 or Heide 613-478-3207. A chili lunch and coffee will be provided. Cost-to be determined but it won’t be expensive!!!
OMAFRA CONNECTS -Your Link to Ontario Agriculture
This is a web service provided by the Brighton office of OMAFRA to residents in Hastings, Prince Edward, Northumberland and Lennox and Addington. Our District meetings are announced using this venue. If you would like to join the list (no cost) then contact
Our meetings are also announced on the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation. You can access them at