I have a sheep farm in Eastern Ontario. We raise Katahdin sheep which are a hair type and do not need shearing. They are for meat- not fibre. We also have a herd of about 14 llamas. All our animals are raised in as natural a way as possible. We do not use pesticides or artificial fertilizers and feed our own hay. We cannot use the term "organic: as there is no "organically" approved lamb slaughter facility in Eastern Ontario.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
OSMA talk on RIF tags
The main concern of sheep producers is the high cost. The tags cost just under $2 each, which maybe OK for a cow or steer that is worth $1000, but not OK for a $150-$250 sheep.
Farmers with the largest herds were the most concerned, as most of their sales are to livestock sales barns for meat, and not such a high proportion of high end registered breeding stock.
One estimate of the costs per sheep in just one sale is about $20. This would include trucking, auction fees, OSMA check-off fees and tagging. This does not include the cost of feed, deworming etc.
OSMA check-off fees are also increasing, just to add to the financial burden a little more.
There was some discussion of funding of "borderline" or irrelevant research projects. People at the meeting felt there could be some cost cutting.
If you are concerned about this, please attend the OSMA meeting in Guelph in November.
I expect to be there.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Aussie joke
The Ventriloquist:
An Australian ventriloquist visiting New Zealand walks into a Small village and sees a local sitting on his verandah patting his dog.
He figures he'll have a little fun, so he says to the Kiwi
'G'day, mind if I talk to your dog?'
Villager: 'The dog doesn't talk, you stupid Aussie.'
Ventriloquist: 'Hello dog, how's it going mate?'
Dog: 'Yeah, doin' all right.'
Kiwi: (look of extreme shock)
Ventriloquist: 'Is this villager your owner?' (pointing at the Villager)
Dog: 'Yep'
Ventriloquist: 'How does he treat you?'
Dog: 'Yeah, real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food And takes me to the lake once a week to play.'
Kiwi: (look of utter disbelief)
Ventriloquist: 'Mind if I talk to your horse?'
Kiwi: 'Uh, the horse doesn't talk either...I think.'
Ventriloquist: 'Hey horse, how's it going?'
Horse: 'Cool'
Kiwi: (absolutely dumbfounded)
Ventriloquist: 'Is this your owner?' (Pointing at the villager)
Horse: 'Yep'
Ventriloquist: How does he treat you?
Horse: 'Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, Brushes me down often and keeps me in the shed to protect me from the Elements.'
Kiwi: (total look of amazement)
Ventriloquist: 'Mind if I talk to your sheep?'
Kiwi: (in a panic) 'The sheep's a f*****' liar
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Zone 8 Sheep Meeting
There will be an election of officers for the AGM.
The guest speaker will be Marcus Wand, who will be answering questions on the new RIF tags sheep identification program.