It has been a while since I posted on the subject of our solar panels on the barn roof, so here is the state of play. We now have the panels on the roof and the electrical work is all done and inspected. We are now waiting for Hydro-one to approve and hook us up.
An important piece of information was missing from the instructions from Ontario Power. There is a Form C which has to be filled in by your solar power company and e-mailed into the Hydro-one people. It important to e-mail-not fax, which we did originally-as their system for processing the faxes is not working!. Don't simply wait and hope for the best. You have to be pro-active and phone the Hydro-one people.
Another important point: The MicroFIT number has to be in subject line of the e-mail when you submit the Form C. They do not tell you this either in any written instructions. I assume they use telepathy to communicate!
It is a shame that this is taking so long, as our solar panel providers, ESEI solar, have been wonderful, and very quick and efficient. Their people even worked in the snow to get the panels up on the barn roof.