One of my customers is now a believer in the ease of lambing by Katahdins. He said he just went out to the lambing area and there the lambs were! No help required. He called yesterday requesting some more ewes. He was also impressed by the fact that he could easily tell which ewes were due immently by looking at the softening of back end, and the size of the udder.
The calls are also coming in from potential new customers requesting weaned ewe lambs.
The lambs are all doing fine including these spoiled suffolk cross triplets. They are still under the heat lamp. The mother is a full Katahdin.
The calls are also coming in from potential new customers requesting weaned ewe lambs.
The lambs are all doing fine including these spoiled suffolk cross triplets. They are still under the heat lamp. The mother is a full Katahdin.
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